
Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Voice :: Power

  2. Us :: Happiness

  3. Passionately :: Kissing

  4. Humbly :: seeking to hear God when he's speaking

  5. Love songs :: Tears

  6. Dim :: Lights

  7. Calendar :: Birthdays

  8. Careless :: Driving

  9. Block :: Legos

  10. Goal :: World Cup


The Departed

I'm all stoked that the newest of Martin Scorsese's babies, set to hit the big screen October 6th, has called in an amazing cast of actors including Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Alec Baldwin and Martin Sheen. And although this is not a Scorsese Original, as a huge fan of GoodFellas and Gangs of New York and everything else Scorsese puts his Midas Touch on, I hope this one is as dark and wiseguy as the rest.

The film's predecessor is the 2002 Asian Hit Thriller Internal Affairs. The fact that Scorsese has decided to make a reproduction of Internal Affairs so soon after it's release has made some Asian Film Fans a little unhappy but I wish the film, Scorsese, the cast and crew much luck with this one.


Quote of the day...

"The real thing about evil," said the Witch at the doorway, "isn't any of what you said. You figure out one side of it - the human side, say - and the eternal side goes into shadow. Or vice versa. It's like the old say: What does a dragon in its shell look like? Well no one can ever tell, for as soon as you break the shell to see, the dragon is no longer in it's shell. The real disaster of this inquiry is that it is the nature of evil to be secret."

From the book Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Macuire



They did it! They pulled it off. Not only did they win:: They stomped 'em!! Take your UCLA azz back to Cali!! I had doubts in our Glorious Gators but they did it!! GO Gatorss!!!


Originally uploaded by mylissa.

Tre & the "Keep Off" Lifegaurd Chairs

Originally uploaded by mylissa.
Taken in front of the Jax Beach Pier

Nathaniel & the new Jax Beach Pier

Originally uploaded by mylissa.


Sunrise Jason Kurtzo
Originally uploaded by mylissa.
Model: Jason Kurtzo.

SunriseJam Jason Kurtzo
Originally uploaded by mylissa.
Sunrise Jam including Jason Kurtzo

Sunrise Jam ~ Jeremy, Micah, Jason

At precisely sunrise every morning the infamous deck at Beason's house yearns for gatherings of musicians and friends, most weekends we ablige.


Couldn't get it much better than this

Originally uploaded by mylissa.
A day of kayaking with J in Heugenot Park, just south of Fernandina Beach. BEAUTIFUL!


I AM Procrastination.

Why ever would a word like procrastination have a prefix of pro?? This makes no sense to me. at all. I always considered pro as something in a positive direction ~ it just doesn't seem to be the right prefix for Procrastination. It should be... stupidcrastination... damncrastination... Imanidiotcrastination.


Batterrrr UP!

Tre's T-Ball Game lastnight. It amazes me how much he and his teammates have learned and actually obtain.

Almost everyone of them are hitting the first or second pitch thrown.

They are so adorable on the field!


1st day of Spring means....


1st day of Spring means....

....Warmer Water!!


1st day of Spring means....

....Crinum Lilies


Lincoln In Dalivision

I had to place three different versions of the piece in order for you to get the full Dali effect. You see, The first is what and second is what the piece look as if you were standing several feet away getting the full perspective. And the third is, well, see for yourself.
~From Afar~

~Up Close and Personal~


Birthday Camping

For Tre's birthday this past weekend we all went camping. We packed up J's boat with tents,
the camping stove,
tre's new telescope
and a couple of toys for the boys to play with if when they need something to do. Then we proceeded to head out to one of the Intercoastal Islands up near Big Talbot Island.

The ride out was beautiful! We managed to find a little deserted island that already had a burn pile from previous boating campers which included a big log to set on while enjoying the fire.

Once we got set up we realized we forgot to bring a few items, a few important items:
tent poles for the boys tent,
toilet paper,
a flashlight,
tools to put Tre's new telescope together,
the camera




There's. No. Beer. AAAAHHHHH!

It's ok. We made due.

The boys slept with us in our tent.
The moon was bright enough that we could see our own shadows thus no need for a flashlight.
And while it would have been nice to have toilet paper and beer, we were able to manage without.

We had so much fun, and while I'd love to share photos with you all I just can't, you see, because, well, we didn't have a camera to take any.



Unconcious Mutterings

She says and you think...

  1. Displacement:: of water = WD40
  2. Grease monkey:: Derek Carpentar
  3. Vacancy:: Bates Motel
  4. Conquer:: Risk, the game
  5. Payroll:: Accounting
  6. Personal:: ads
  7. Housewife:: my former self
  8. Lateral:: pass
  9. Tissue:: Boogers
  10. Multiplication:: Division


Happy 6th Birthday Tre!!

My little boy, my first born son. Growing everyday, accomplishing new feats every minute.
Proving himself to the world that he shall overcome.
Strong heart, Beautiful wisdom of an old man.
Youth and innosence endures.
I love you Punk! With all my heart.

You Will show your strength to the world. I know.


We've a new addition to the household.

I'm pleased to introduce Napolean.

adopt your own virtual pet!


Amazing, the useless nonsense that stays in your head.

  • WD40 stands for Water Displacement and they actually tested 39 different formulas before they got the correct formula on the 40th test.

  • 387-2456 was my grandmother's first and only phone number my whole life and until the day she sold her house two weeks before she died. I will never forget that phone number. And if you put the numbers in order you can count 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. (i figured that out when I was 6.)

  • In one lifetime a person will actually yawn enough times to equal almost 3 weeks.

  • VCR stands for Video Casette Recorder or Visual Cocaine Rediue (LOL)

  • Tractor Trailers actually come in two sizes, 48foot length and 53foot length; two types, Air Ride and standard; and two temperatures, Refrigerated "reefer" and not (but I'm sure can adjust the temp on the "reefers")

  • Hurricane Katrina killed just over 1,000 people.

  • Duct Tape was invented sometime during WW2 to stick stuff that needs to be stuck.

  • I'm sure there's more, I just got bombarded with calls and lost my train of thought.


    This from Unconscious Mutterings

    1. Upgrade:: Yay! A new Nextel!!
    2. Happy ending:: see #7
    3. Stale:: Duck bread
    4. Tripping:: my teen years
    5. Working:: too much for not enough
    6. Explicit:: Lyrics, NWA? - Yikes!
    7. Happy place:: closing my eyes to hear only mighty waves pounding on sand
    8. Tornado:: Tazmanian Devil (?)
    9. Medication:: Pain
    10. Muppet:: Pigs In Space


    Happy Birthday Nat Bug!!!!

    We Love you So Much!!

    3 years in this world. In our lives.
    staking claim to a large spot in our hearts.
    filling in a massive gap.
    You are beautiful Nathaniel.


    8am at Lemon Street

    Sunset over 6th North Sand Dunes

    They Love to Fly Kites

    These boys Love to take the kites down to the beach.

    Nate tends to lose interest once we get down there.

    But not Tre. He watches that kite with perfect intent to fly it the whole night.

    Maybe it's the whole idea of being able to control something in the sky.

    Maybe it's the thought that even though you can't touch it you can hold on to it as long as you want. Kind of like Tre's memory of their dad.


    Important Nathaniel Quotes

    On our usual route to Nathaniel's school this morning I went one block past the street in which his school is located.
    Nathaniel pipes up to alert me of my error by saying "Look! You went too far momma, you past my school, you have to turn around".
    I replied to this demand "Ok honey I'm turning around now, thank you."
    To Nathaniel, this was not done (he always has to have the last word)
    So he had to add "Look for your eyes momma, you past it."
    So, just as he instructed, I looked for my eyes (instead of with them because, really, what good would that have done?) and I did indeed notice that I past his school. Thank goodness he told me.

    He's so cute sometimes, I just wanna squeeze his little cheeks off. And the little bug is gonna be three on Saturday. Lord, sometimes I just can't see how fast it's going gone.


    Nathaniel & the J

    My camera's been acting funny as of late. I think Nathaniel has gotten to it and adjusted some sets on it. I just can't figure out which ones. I've to study the manual.

    Nevertheless, Nate having a go at Jay. Believe it or not I think Nate bested him this match.

    Camping is always FUN, even in the backyard.

    This was Saturday, after the Monster Truck show. They were Exhausted! So Jay and I packed 'em up tight in the tent in his backyard and as soon as I said "Ok, boys I'm headin' inside, sleep tight" Nathaniel decided he wasn't supportin' Tre's wild fascination with camping. Nate slept in the house. Tre was fine, passed right out in that tent all by himself. But of course momma wasn't letting him sleep out there by himself, so I went out there at about 1am and slept (actually laid awake for about 4 hours) right next to the Punk. He didn't even know I was out there until about 7am.

    T-Ball Anyone?

    Tre's first year of T-ball. He likes to call it Tre-ball. He's really great at Saturday Practices, week days are hard to concentrate I think because it's after school.

    This particular day he hit the ball every time it was pitched to him and didn't need to use the T once. I am so proud of him!! I'm happy that he really likes playing. First big game is March 4th.


    Tre the Animal Lover

    This was at a dog show a few weeks ago. The dogs just loved him and I promise, all animals are like this with Tre. He Loves all creatures, animals, babies. People have told me that he's an "old soul". Maybe that is it. But whatever it is, I hope nothing ever changes him.

    Nathaniel's Train Set

    He begged for a train for christmas. I'm so glad I got this for him, he Loves it to no end.


    Sleepy Head

    Originally uploaded by mylissa.


    We Painted

    I love this picture! (even though if you look close you can see that I photoshopped (and not very well) a bug out of one of the paint containers. )

    A beautiful beach day

    With just me and the Bug.

    This was actually January

    Ha Ha Ha America

    This film was one of the SunDance Festival 2006 entries. Along with many others Ha ha ha America was brilliant and a little nervous. It runs about 10 minutes or so, not sure as I was interupted a few times. Nevertheless, check it out.


    Snap out of IT.... please.

    Ok, so I'm over it.
    The new Leaf, consider it Turned.
    I returned to work today (after two extra days off, no less) to the same crap.
    I Feel
    Better.I've got to start posting some pics like I've been promising, therefore when I go home for lunch today I will grab the cam and disks with pics preloaded and bring it!!
    BRING. IT. !.(I don't know why I put that period after the exclamation point, piss off!)
    Why is it that every bleedin time I post the date goes back to 2:39 pm on Feb 13, so I've to remember before I publish that I've to change the time and date. UGH!!


    Eerie But Sweet... Mylissa

    Crossroads, seem to come and go, yeah.
    The gypsy flies from coast to coast
    Knowing many, loving none,
    Bearing sorrow havin’ fun,
    But back home he’ll always run
    To sweet melissa... mmm...

    Freight train, each car looks the same, all the same.
    And no one knows the gypsy’s name
    No one hears his lonely sigh,
    There are no blankets where he lies.
    In all his deepest dreams the gypsy flies
    With sweet melissa... mmm...

    Again the morning’s come,
    Again he’s on the run,
    Sunbeams shining through his hair,
    Appearing not to have a care.
    Well, pick up your gear and gypsy roll on, roll on.
    Crossroads, will you ever let him go?
    (lord, lord)Will you hide the dead man’s ghost,
    Or will he lie, beneath the clay,
    Or will his spirit roll away?

    But I know that he won’t stay without melissa.
    Yes I know that he won’t stay without melissa.

    I've never listened or attempted to know the words to this song. It was an irritating feature in my life:
    Every boyfriend/lover my mom ever played seemed to want to sing this song to me when I was young.
    Every boyfriend/admirer/whatever I ever had wasted money in the Juke-boxes for this song to be played at any pub/bar/restaurant I've ever been to.
    I've tried to avoid this song most of my life. But today I found the lyrics, in an old memoir belonging to my father (I'm talkin really old).
    What's so eerie/ironic to me about this song is that I was named from this song by my father, and I just realised the "gypsy" is my father. Always was. From the day I was born he was in and out of my life constantly but he always came back to me.

    Something else about this is that the above lyrics are the original lyrics as written by the Allman Brothers, however my father wrote a different closing for the song in place of the original.

    ...And he will never lie, beneath the clay,
    His spirit will sometimes roll away,
    But he will return again one day, to Mylissa.
    ~Marc Tyson


    Today the Sun Shines on Us, Every One

    Today is the funeral. I really can't imagine what Ms. Susan is going through today. And Cameron and all of the Keys' family. I know what I'm dealing with, but that's fish poop compared to their anguish. I love that family.
    And my brother, who was Sean's best friend growing up, isn't even going to the funeral. He says "I can't deal with death."
    None of us can, Jason. But the reason we go is to support his family and each other and to show people that we cared about Sean. If everyone dealt with the loss of a friend the way your dealing with it, his funeral would be full of empty chairs. What the f*?? Is that what you want J? I hope not.


    Happy LoveyDovey Day

    I'm glad that I have the people in my life that I have on this Valentine's Day.
    I have a lot to be thankful for this Valentine's day, I have my two beautiful boys and their Unconditional Love and nothing is more important that that!! This is the first Valentine's day in four years that I'm with someone that makes me so happy I almost melt when I hear his voice.
    It's also a day that I have to look back at losing a dear friend and look forward to a funeral and seeing that friend put in a box.
    I'm trying really hard not to be so somber today.
    And I was doing fine until sending my Valentine text messages and going through the contacts in my phone when I see it. The one person I can not send the heartfelt messages to anymore. Damn I miss him.
    Just these little things.
    He's not here.
    It just doesn't seem real it doesn't seem that this could really be happening.
    Is it a dream.
    Am I going to wake up.
    No. No it's not. This is real, already three days have gone by that I haven't spoken to my good friend whom I talked to almost everyother day for years and years.
    This is going to be a good Valentines but it's also going to be very hard.

    Do me a favor, find someone to love today. Someone out there is in need of Love don't let them be alone.


    nate pier

    There is one thing that I believe to be the most unnatural event in human existance.
    And that is a parent out-living their child. No parent should ever live to see the death of their child.
    It's not natural.
    Nobody should ever feel that pain.

    My friend, a very close friend of my family. Almost more like a brother than a friend.
    Sean Keys.
    I will not try to describe the kind of person Sean was as I would not be doing him any justice.

    The Keys family is one less beautiful person
    and so is the world.

    I will always hold him in my memory, nobody ever forgets beautiful people like Sean.


    It's so cold this morning.

    Finger numbing.
    I always get out to the car to start it and crank the heat 5 or 10 minutes before we leave. I put half of my work stuff in and this way it's nice and warm for the boys when we set off.
    I went out this morning with no shoes as always but this time stepped in a freezing cold mini-puddle of water. I thought my toes would fall off. Even when I got back in the house.
    Plus the stupid heat in our office doesn't work proper ~ the thermostat is in the middle of the office but only blows in my bosses space, not in the rest. Example: the therm is set at 72, go in his it feels 80 and the rest is 55.
    I could never live north of the mason dixon.
