
Amazing, the useless nonsense that stays in your head.

  • WD40 stands for Water Displacement and they actually tested 39 different formulas before they got the correct formula on the 40th test.

  • 387-2456 was my grandmother's first and only phone number my whole life and until the day she sold her house two weeks before she died. I will never forget that phone number. And if you put the numbers in order you can count 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. (i figured that out when I was 6.)

  • In one lifetime a person will actually yawn enough times to equal almost 3 weeks.

  • VCR stands for Video Casette Recorder or Visual Cocaine Rediue (LOL)

  • Tractor Trailers actually come in two sizes, 48foot length and 53foot length; two types, Air Ride and standard; and two temperatures, Refrigerated "reefer" and not (but I'm sure can adjust the temp on the "reefers")

  • Hurricane Katrina killed just over 1,000 people.

  • Duct Tape was invented sometime during WW2 to stick stuff that needs to be stuck.

  • I'm sure there's more, I just got bombarded with calls and lost my train of thought.


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