
Melissa Needs....

I'm always game for new blog fun. So here is the lastest: in Google you type in your name then needs and copy the first 10 things you see. My list, as per Google, of things that I need.

1: Melissa needs maintenance manuals. Um, what kind of maintenance are we talking here?
2: Melissa needs attention and will do “things” for attention! LOL ~ "Things". Wait, how'd you hear about that? O God, There aren't pictures... are there?
3: Melissa Needs-the-Dough! Please, send donations.
4: Melissa needs a ride and smitten conversation. You can keep the small talk, just bring on the ride!
5: Melissa needs a rehearsal disc for her Grease cast to sing along to.
6: Melissa needs to board the blob ship that is hovering overhead. Um, yea, I'll get right on that.
7: Melissa needs blood will you help me?
8: Melissa needs to stick to the subject of music and leave the pseudopsychoanalysisto those more qualified than she. Excuse Me?? I'll pseudopsycho blah blah blah whatever I want whenever I want. So there!
9: Melissa needs to select information from the Partners table. Ooo, The partners table, I like the sound of that, can I try it out?? O wait I need a partner.
10: Melissa needs her meds, and I'm sure Mikey won't get them for her.

Ok, I'll settle for needing all of the above things. Now who's getting them for me , because aaparently Mikey's lazy ass sure isn't. Damn Mikey!


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