
The Blame Game, let's join the fun!!

I know, I know. I don't do enough ranting. I don't usually raise my fist at any of the political parties or strike out against any politicians. I try not to have opinions about anything publicly becuase I don't like confrontation. Sure, it makes for a perfectly boring blog. Too bad. It's not like anyone reads this anyway.


Ms. Katrina has destroyed New Orleans. The city wants to blame the Feds for no Relief Effort. BULLSHIT!

What the fuck was being done before Ms. Katrina hit the city. NOTHING! Why weren't those people bussed out of the city. I saw a city block size parking lot full of flooded out school buses. There you go. Haul ASS! No. These people were left to fend for themselves. 30 elderly people were found dead in a nursing home because the nurses just left them there. Bullshit! People left their pets with no food or water to just die. This is all complete bullshit.

I live in Florida, Hurricane Capital of the World. We have a plan to leave. Immediatelly. Even though I know with our technology we typically have at least 10 hours notice before a hurricane hits. My dog and my cat and my pet snake will go with us. That's that!

These people had ample time to get out. They didn't. The city of New Orleans had ample time to get old and poor people out. They chose not to.

I feel sorry for the children who have stupid or ignorant parents. I feel sorry for the old people that have no one that cares enough. I feel sorry for the people that died due to ignorant care takers. I feel sorry for the animals that are now homeless or dead or close to either because of careless owners. My heart goes out to all of them.


Blogger half_cent said...

Hear hear! Let me add that if the people of Louisiana don't rise up and fire the Mayor of NO and the rotton ass Govornor then they are just proving that they're so damn stupid they shouldn't have been helped.

1:44 PM  

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