

I know, it's been forever, I'm sorry. I've slowed down for a moment and decided to update the blog.....

WTF did I do??

All my pers info is down on the bottom when it should be right here -------------------->>>

Not sure what I did, but I'll figure it out when I've got time...

UPDATES on my life:
** The boyfriend and I have gotten serious -- I know: talk about DEATH!! It's good I like it.
** Christmas is coming up - 10 days and the boys are EXCITED!! This is the first christmas we've ever celebrated, ever. I'm excited too, I've never had a christmas tree and presents and stockings! YAY!! It's all because of the Boyfriend - he talked me into all of it!! I'm so happy to be starting traditions with him.
**Little brother will be graduating high school in the spring. My baby brother - AW - I want to cry!

More to come:



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